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The question paper of DNB CET comprises of 180 multiple choice questions each with four options and only one correct response. Multiple question papers are used for DNB CET for different sessions and days.
A standard psychometrically-sound approach is employed for the scoring process of DNB CET. This approach has been applied to score all large scale Computer Based Examination utilizing multiple question papers.
Step 1: Calculation of Raw Marks
Raw marks are calculated based on the number of questions answered correctly, incorrectly or omitted.
Correct Answer | +1 point |
Incorrect Answer | -0.1 point (10%) |
Omitted | 0 point |
Step 2: Raw Marks are equated
While all question papers (forms) are carefully assembled to ensure that the content is comparable, the difficulty of each form may be perceived by different subjects undertaking the test to slightly vary. Such minor differences in the overall difficulty level are accurately measured after all the different question papers have been administered and the results analyzed. A post-equating process is necessary to ensure validity and fairness.
Equating is a psychometric process to adjust differences in difficulty so that scores from different question papers are comparable on a common metric and therefore fair to candidates testing across multiple papers. To facilitate this comparison, each form contains a pre-defined number of questions (items) selected from a large item bank, called an equating block, which is used as an anchor to adjust candidates scores to the metric of the item bank. Taking into account of candidates' differential performance on these equating blocks, each individual's raw marks are adjusted for difference in question paper difficulties.
During post-equating, test items are concurrently analyzed and the estimated item parameters (item difficulty and discrimination) are put onto a common metric. Item Response Theory (IRT), a psychometrically supported statistical model, is utilized in this process. The result is a statistically equated raw score that takes into account the performance of the candidate along with the difficulty of the form administered.
Step 3: Equated raw score is scaled
In order to ensure appropriate interpretation of an equated raw score, the scores must be placed on a common scale or metric. A linear transformation is used for this scaling process, which is a standard practice for such test administration.
Post equating takes into account any statistical differences in examination difficulty and ensures all candidates are evaluated on a common scale.
The aforesaid steps ensure that all examination scores are valid, equitable and fair.
Criteria for Qualifying DNB CET- July 2012:
The scaled scores for DNB CET will range from 0 to 800.
S.No. | Category | Passing Criteria | Minimum score required |
1. 2. 3. | General SC/ST/OBC PWD | 50% of score 40% of score 45% of score | 400/800 320/800 360/800 |
a. How are raw marks calculated?
Raw marks are calculated based on the number of questions answered correctly, incorrectly, or omitted. Each correct answer will be awarded one (1) point, and 0.1 point will be deducted for each wrong answer. Questions left unanswered will be awarded zero (0) point.
b. What happens after raw marks are calculated?
Like all large-scale exams, CET will utilize multiple question papers (forms), or versions, of the test. While all forms are carefully assembled from question bank to ensure that the content is comparable, the difficulty of each form may be perceived to vary slightly by the subject undertaking the exam. Such minor differences in the overall difficulty level are rectified through a process called equating. Equating assures fairness for all candidates by allowing accurate comparisons to be made of performance across all of the test forms. Equated raw scores are then placed on a common scale or metric to ensure appropriate interpretation of the scores. This process is called scaling.
c. How will I know if I have been successful in the CET?
Your scaled score will be made available on the NBE website. A candidate who scores a minimum of 50% (45% for PWD & 40% for SC, ST and OBC candidate) on a scaled score range shall be declared as successful. Merit List shall be prepared on the basis of scaled score obtained by the candidates.
Candidates will be called in order of their merit position, to participate in the centralized counseling to exercise their choice of specialty and institution. This will continue until the allotted seats are filled, before the cutoff date prescribed for joining.
d. What happens if I obtain the same scaled score as another candidate?
In the event two or more candidates obtaining the same scaled score, the merit position shall be determined by the number of wrong responses of these candidates. The candidate with the lesser number of wrong responses shall be placed at a higher merit. If there is still a tie, date of birth shall be considered to determine inter-se-merit, i.e. an elder candidate shall be placed at a higher merit.
e. When will the merit list be available?
The merit list is likely to be available in second half of September 2012.
f. How long are my results valid for?
The results for DNB CET held in August 2012 are valid for the admission to July
2012 admission session only.